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I've been shaving for a long time. Lately I've just been getting a little fed up with it all, I guess. I shave every other day and have been for years. I've got it down to a professional level :lol: I can shave my body hair off in just a few minutes while in the shower at this point.

It doesn't last long and that's what bothers me.

I hate when I see the little stubble creep up again. I hate it.

When I was a teenager I used Nair for my legs. I used it for my bikini area/kitty cave area a couple of times too. It lasted longer than shaving but I had to go against the directions. It said something about leaving it on my skin for only X amount of minutes and I had to double that time to get the hair to all come off. I guess I have thick hair in certain areas.

Is Veet a better alternative to razors? Should I go back to Nair?

I'm going to be traveling soon and I'd really like to not have the thought of hair growth on my mind :lol:

I'd love to do a long-term solution but I think they're all relatively expensive too :( No fun.

So, what do you do to get silky smooth skin? Just razors? Nair? Veet? Something else? Do tell!

Asking this in the little's section since I'd assume more littles to for hairless-ness than Bigs.
I'm going to update this in case anybody else sees it and was wondering the same.

A few days after I posted this I went to the store and bought both Veet and Nair. I have plenty of disposable razors at home.

Usually I shave with just water.

I ended up putting Nair on one leg and Veet on the other leg to see which did better before going elsewhere with the product. They both did the exact same. Veet burned my skin more than Nair though. The Nair was a thicker product but had argan oil in it and it made my skin a little bit softer. They seemed to both remove the hair so-so though.

Both products gave me a little bit of a chemical burn on my skin though. I did follow the product directions on timing so I'm not sure why it did that. My skin bled a little but not badly. The Veet did really burn one area on my knee and left a really ugly mark that hurt, weeped, and bubbled up a little. I accidentally hit it and it bled, then scabbed and healed.

Overall, I decided that shaving was still more convenient. It was definitively less messier. I've been shaving so long that it's just as fast and I rarely nick myself and bleed.

TL;DR -- Go with the razor; skip the other junk.
By growinguplittle
I wax and it lasts so long! I love it - SO smooth! The only downside is that you have to wait for the hair to grow back a bit before you can remove it again, but I really don't mind since it comes in thinner and softer. Waxing all the way!
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