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Caregivers, Mommies, Daddies, adult babies, middles, babyfur, and all other Bigs and littles discuss regression, relationship dynamics, have open group conversation, share experienced advice, and exchange ideas to help one another grow in knowledge.
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Well that depends on your littles regression age. Like I'm a little and my regression range is 2-6. So if I had a daddy he'd set rules that a toddler to preschooler would have say early bedtimes or no sugar before bed. Can be simple to extremely complex each relationship is different.. As a daddy your job is to love and guide, protect, and sometimes just simply physically take care of. We need cuddles when we're sad and a stern voice to guide us to make the right decisions when we make the wrong ones...A daddy reminds her to eat or brush her teeth he reminds her to take care of herself a daddy is kind and loving and is there emotionally for there littles. Daddy's are there even for little even for a stuffie getting a booboo he's the one who reminds her that it's going to be ok and put a bandaid on her stuffie. Daddy's don't judge they make sure there's trust and she feels safe around you. Daddy's have alot responsibility
Lots of hugs and kisses, you can never have too many!

Make your little meals that are little friendly. Anything you can dip or personal servings of something.

Surprises when they are good with little treats, chocolates, forehead kisses, bum pinches, littles love presents and it doesn't have to be big or expensive. Anything you can wrap or open in a little box will make your little very excited. We LOVE presents!!!

Letting them know its okay to cry, some times we need a good cry.

Head pets at bed time or drawing little circles on their back while they fall asleep.

Always check in, you can never text or ask too much. The random "love you's" and "miss you" goes a long way for a little.

Be silly with them sometimes. It doesn't always have to be serious. We have a very playful relationship and it keeps my little very happy.

Shower hugs.

Wash their back and they can wash yours and they can feel "big". You can also make bubble beards or clown noseies with the bubbles.

Go shopping for new jammies or stuffies.

Have a movie night and wrap them in a blankey and have snacks.

Little's tend to be emotionally fragile, have a secret word or action that if they are uncomfortable they can let you know in public situations. I grab his arm and put my forehead on his bicep and he knows that something is making me uncomfortable without me saying it or drawing attention to the situation.

Buy them a happy meal! Especially if their favorite toys are the ones that are out.

Make sure they eat well and pack good things for lunches. Apple slices, fruit cups, yogurt parfait (layer yogurt, granola, and berries)

If they are a sick little make sure they take their medicines and let you know how they are feeling.

Ohhh don't worry about others. I felt weird at the[…]

Identifying Role

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Littlespace/Agere shoes??

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Has anyone gone to a con?

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Advice on being little

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