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I’ve recently discovered my little side and while my wife is understanding she has issues with things she perceive as baby stuff, like pacifiers, diapers, thumb sucking and certain clothing (like the fluffy onesies where you look like an animal). The reason is that we are strictly non-physically intimate as cg/l, and the baby stuff kind of lingers with her even when we’re both big.
She says she can accept toddler stuff easier but the issue is that my little side is rather small. Not baby, but not fully toddler either.

I have a small teddy (too small), a blanket (plain) and a pacifier (I just need it when my wife isn’t around). When I’m little we mainly cuddle, but I would like to try other things as well, like playing with toys or other activities.

Basically I want to express my little side more without making my wife more uncomfortable than necessary. Do you have any ideas for activities and/or little gear that would be suitable for baby/young toddler without being too baby like?
Coloring! A baby wouldn't have the manual dexterity for it haha. Also, doing some googling, a lot of toddler toys seem to be based on "roleplaying," like baby dolls, dollhouses, a little kitchenaid any of those things sound fun?
It's interesting to me that she doesn't like animal onesies because nearly everyone I know who is big loves those! (I don't know any "out" littles in real life, though I have suspicions about two friends.)

How about snacks that toddlers like? Plenty of bigs eat things like goldfish, dry cereal and cheez-its so they might appear "neutral."

I also found something - and have since lost it, I think - that's basically an adult sippy cup. It's got the no-spill spout on it that locks instead of a straw; I assume it's meant to be a sports bottle that you can toss in your bag instead of having to carry it. Only downside was keeping it clean - I don't have a dishwasher which I think would be best for something like that. (For me it was less of a little thing and more of an "I spill everything" thing, but I feel like it could be something you could use too! It was definitely made for adults, it was the size of a large soda cup.)

Stim and fidget toys made for people with autism or anxiety (for example!) are for everyone, and some of them have kind of a toddler feel. The biteable silicone necklaces might be more acceptable than a pacifier, for example. Fidget cubes are basically shrunken down "busy boxes" for adults! Tangles, infinity cubes and pop-its also remind me of toys for small children. Foam stress balls are fun to toss around and won't break anything if they get away from you.

Bath toys might also be good, since I'm guessing you usually bathe alone and they can be put away "out of sight out of mind" the rest of the time, under the sink or something. Also they're just fun. My partner loves taking baths and I'm always like "okay but this would be so much more fun if you had an octopus ring-toss in here!" Apparently some people just like to "relax" in there...smh :rofl:

If she's uncomfortable with baby books lying around, there are youtube channels and apps that will "read to" you. If she's okay with the occasional baby book in the house...I recommend the touch and feel ones, those are delightful! (Unless you have sensory issues that would mean you're not a fan, in which case, the lift-the-flap ones are also fun!) I'm a bit "older" and prefer picture/storybooks, but if Pat the Bunny is around I'm still gonna take it for a little spin when no one's looking ;)

Would she be more comfortable with "little" things around that tend to have a "big" following, like My Little Pony or Pokemon?
Thank you both for your replies, it means a lot!
I know, who doesn’t love the onesies? She likes the onesies, but our kid just got a super cute one like a koala (with a little wittle tail!) and that might be the issue.
I would love a soft book, I’ve found one with animal tails that I would love to have and I also like the flap ones.
Role playing - ugh, so not my thing and never was, even when I was a kid. I had dolls but just dressed them (I do like clothes and textures :nodyes: ). I never really figured out what to do, to the point of me having anxiety attacks whenever my daughter wanted to role play.
I do like to paint, but since I’ve been an art teacher I can’t really relax when painting. But come to think about it, my paintings has always been juvenile in technique :-?:
Snacks are a good idea, I’ve been eating grapes like a maniac the last few weeks and could do with some variety!
We have a super small tub in our bathroom (our 2meter contractor laughed about it an called it a foot bath… :rofl: ) and I cannot understand my wife’s fascination with “relaxing baths” :what: . I bought some bath crayons last week “for the kid” (that would be me… :hi: ) and have been using them a lot…
I really have to look into the silicone necklace thing, that sounds like a great alternative!

Thanks again for all your ideas!!!
I agree with others about coloring books! You can also get a stuffed animal you can dress up like a fashion show. Build a bears are very good for that. And in my experience build a bear is very friendly to adults making bears. They always give me the full experiences with the heart ceremony and everything, or at least ask if I’d like to do it as an option.
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