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Advice for a big / caregiver struggling with mental illnesses?

Posted: |December 7th, 2016|, 5:22 am
by irishcatgod
Not to bump this post for a different reason than OP intended, but anyone have advice for a big / caregiver with mental illnesses? I was diagnosed with a few of them before adulthood, and I'd like to know how best to cope in such a relationship.

Re: Advice for a big / caregiver struggling with mental illnesses?

Posted: |December 12th, 2016|, 8:48 pm
by Palper
Well in depends on what you have and how you cope with it independently. You have to make sure you are mentally stable enough to handle it before entering into any type of relationship, especially one of this nature, because they will rely heavily on you.

Also, you have to remember to take care of yourself first, because if you cant function, there is no way you can help someone else function or take care of them.

Just try your best and make sure you have a partner who understands. Talk about what expectations there are and what you want out of the relationship.

Communication is key!