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2 Ingredient Playdough!

Posted: |February 24th, 2022|, 11:44 pm
by BubzLubz
Hi, everyone! :hi:

I just wanted to share this diy recipe for homemade playdough I found. It’s super easy, only requires two things, and littles will enjoy doing this as there’s not much effort or mess. Making this is fun for me in little space and I don’t have to deal with the scent of actual store playdough (little doesn’t care for it). Also, it’s super soft.

1 cup hair conditioner (I use the cheapest conditioner I can find)
2 cups corn starch

1. Add conditioner and cornstarch to a mixing bowl and stir until dough begins to form.
2. *optional* For colorful dough, stir in a few drops of food coloring with conditioner BEFORE adding cornstarch, then continue mixing as normal.
3. Finish kneading by hand until dough is no longer sticky.

I don’t usually add coloring because it’s easier for me not to in little space lol It lasts for a while and, if it dries out, you can just add a little conditioner to revive it! Not more than $5 spent at the dollar store to make as much as you want. It’s always on hand too.

There are others ways of making this. Like if you have baby oil or lotion instead of conditioner. For fragrance, get a scent of conditioner you like or add drops of essential oils.

Here’s the link where I found this too btw! There are pictures and video instructions to help you out.

Enjoy! :heart:

Re: 2 Ingredient Playdough!

Posted: |February 25th, 2022|, 5:14 am
by moonjellyfish
ooo this looks like lots of fun!! im try it when i cans :yay:

Re: 2 Ingredient Playdough!

Posted: |May 4th, 2022|, 2:45 pm
by XGlitchcoreX
i cants wait to twy dis ^^ thankies i dont have much money at the moment so its really helpful! :craze: